Saturday, April 18, 2009

Spring Break Day Days 5 & 6

Evan lucked out on day 5 when grandma called and offered to take him to the movie Monster vs aliens in 3-D. I went to work and Ian stayed home because he landed a couple of dog feeding/walking jobs for some neighbors. He was stoked to earn some money. At the end of the day we decided we would take Ian to a dirt bike race in Ukiah and that we would take the trailer and camp overnight. Sounds fun but I knew that the trailer was a mess after the winter and it would need some serious work not to mention getting food and packing. So first thing in the morning on Day 6 I start my list and packing and all of a sudden I realize that Evan not only has Black Belt training but he also has a competition on Saturday! DUH. So It was actually easier now that just Wayne and Ian were going. I got the trailer ready for them and packed up some food and off they went. They caravaned with some friends whose boys were also racing. I sent them with the camera and hope they remember to use it! I'm sure their having a blast.

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