Thursday, January 22, 2009

Up and running

If your on Facebook you know that my computer had some problems this month, but I'm back up and running thanks to our friend Paul. I got a 1TB external hard drive and he showed me how to back up my information, he also suggested I edit my pictures. LOL Funny because in the "digital age" we/I just shoot, shoot, shoot and it's true that I have sometimes as many as 5 of basically the same picture.
I decided last year to make a "bucket list" rather than a "new years resolution" It makes so much since to me. Rather than the generic: lose weight, get into shape, eat better. I can make a list that I can add to and cross off. So this year I'm adding visit Savannah Georgia to it. Who knows when I'll get there but when I do I'll cross it off. Last year I crossed off go to Yosemite. I don't have anything to crazy on it like sky diving, but I do have take a snowboarding lesson on it. The boys ask me every time we go if I'll try it. I have a feeling I'll be crossing that off my list soon.
Pictured above:
Niece Kelsea, Ian and Evan @ Dodge Ridge CA.

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