Monday, January 26, 2009

Snow and Skate

On Sunday I ventured out of my comfort zone yesterday and drove in the snow. Surprisingly, I wasn't as nervous as I though I'd be , it started to snow almost immediately but didn't stay on the ground until we got to about 3500 ft. (we started at 2500ft.) There were almost no other cars on the road and it actually made the drive more comfortable. No one tailgating or throwing up sand. The boys had a great time boarding/skiing in the "powder" and I got to read (Midnight in the garden of good and evil) in the lodge.

On Saturday we had a 4-H Ice skating get together, Ian didn't skate because he didn't want his ankles to hurt for snowboarding? I had to practically drag Evan and his friend off the ice. We left directly from the ice skating to drive to my mother in laws 2 1/2 hours away. We decided to see a movie and I actually laughed through the whole thing (almost as much as the guy sitting in front of me). If you want to just laugh, go see Paul Blart, Mall cop. It's pretty dam funny!

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