Sadly, so much is lost on the youth. I remember learning about Benjamin Franklin in school. Founding father, scientist, statesman blah, blah, blah. So, the other day,I'm helping Ian find some information on ol' Ben for an essay he's writing for school and in the process learned soooooo much more about Mr. Franklin than I remember. As I'm ooohing and ahhhhing over the amazing accomplishments of this incredible historical figure. Ian is basically rolling his eye's! I'm sure I did the exact same thing to my mom (Sorry Mom). LOL
In other news, Evan is excited that his table group (at school) choose to study the Indian's of the Southeast. The best part according to him is that in this particular region the Indians (not sure the tribe yet) used.....Drum roll please........ Poison darts! What 5th grade boy wouldn't think that was totally cool! His class is also going to plant a colonial garden. Not sure what that is yet, but apparently I'm helping :0
Picture day is tomorrow at Evan's school. This is only significant because I'm in charge of getting all of the 500+ kids to have their pictures taken. Me and my trusty volunteers spend our morning wiping faces and noses, combing hair and working on big smiles. I only do this because of the kindergartners. LOL Their like deer in headlights,all dressed up, wide eyed and I'm sure feeling like cattle as we herd them through to one of 3 photographers set up in the school's multi-use room. It's pretty hilarious.
Above: First day of school picture taken Aug. 25th 2008 .
1 comment:
You're blogging!!!! Yeah :) I'm adding you to my favorites so I can check in everyday (hint hint)
Remind me not to walk by your house... your kid my hit me with a poison dart ;) LOL
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