Today I did my first breast cancer walk. I choose this one because it seems pretty low key. I know the woman who puts it on and it was just a one day 12 mile walk in a area that I haven't been to before and wanted to go. It had a small registration fee and you could ask for donations or not. I had W.Impink Builders donate (a no brainer). Anyway, I knew there weren't going to be very many people because the organizer told me that, but I'm pretty sure Cheryl and I were the only ones to walk! We set out ahead of everyone on the advise of "the orginizer" and although we didn't expect to have anyone pass us going out, we certainly expected to pass some of them on the trail coming back. We didn't see a sole. Not only that but when we got back to the starting area there was no one in sight! No congratulations you finished, No Thanks for coming out to support us, No balance bars or water. Nothing, nata, nilch Nothing Nobody. But I didn't matter one bit. We had a great time, a great walk and ended with a good feeling of accomplishment anyway.
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