The storm they have been promising has finally arrived, at 3:00AM to be exact. I know this because the lighting and thunder not only shook the house but completely freaked out my cat! She was actually crying. I had to pick her up and hold her finally bringing her into bed with us. Her little heart was pounding so hard I though she would have a heart attack! The boys on the other hand didn't hear a thing. Nada-nothing! At least they'll be rested for school.
I managed to make it to the gym today, I have new motivation as I've put on a couple of pounds. Probably due to my new addiction to a game my sister bought us for Christmas, it's called Bananagrams. Now I have the application for my Iphone and once I start playing It's hard to stop. It's fun if you crossword puzzles or Scrabble. The other motivation I have is that Wayne's cholesterol test came back a bit high. 231 I think. Not good for someone who has heart disease in his family. So I'm counting fat calories and adjusting our food a bit. The problem is we eat pretty good at home and his "good" cholesterol is high, but so is his bad. Anyway, it leads me to think his diet isn't all that bad and he can probably lower it by just a few changes. We'll see what happens.
Love those pics!!!!
Thanks Moriah, I took them with my Iphone!
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