I've been so busy with some fun and not so fun things that I haven't posted for a while. I'm not going to post any of the bad stuff and just stick to the good times. The super fun things are that my Brother David and his family, Wife Megan and kids Paul (14), Hannah(12) and Mark(9) have been here visiting from NC since the 5th of August. We've managed a trip to Malibu miniature golf and go-cart racing where Hannah started out driving like Miss Daisy and ended up like Danica! A trip to San Francisco for Dim Sum and a tour through China Town, They loved the dim sum and looking at all the cheap stuff in the stores and a first for me was a trip to the Fortune cookie factory, it smelled so yummy! They had plenty of beach time boogie boarding and skim boarding and a family portrait at the beach. Paul played in a tennis tournament in Santa Cruz over the weekend and won the 14 singles and is taking home a beautiful trophy! We all went to watch him play, It was great!
Ian had his High School orientation on Friday the 14th , he got his schedule and had a tour of the school. He's also been practicing football for the last couple of weeks, going to 7AM work outs and is now into what they call double sessions (two practices a day). School starts on the 24th. Evan took a brake from Kuk Sool Won for the summer and will get back to it starting in September.
As a special treat us girls,Mom, Rae, Me ,Megan and Hannah went to lunch and had Mani/Pedi's for my birthday! I'm really going to miss my family when they leave to go home, but I'm sure with the start of school and all that is involved with Fall will distract me from missing them.
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