We had two milestones in the family this week. Ian graduated from 8th grade and Evan from the 5th grade. This means they will both move on to different schools next year. Ian's promotion ceremony was held at the high school on the football field and was super nice. Both sets of grandparents were there which made it even more special.
Evan's promotion was today in the multi use room at his school and honestly, I think he couldn't get out of there (school) fast enough. Elementary school is so different from middle school. It seems like 6 years in one place is too long. He and Wayne went with a couple of other kids and another dad to Malibu grand prix and to lunch. Ian went with is graduating class to Great America (amusement park) today. I'm sure they will both appreciate sleeping in tomorrow! It was a been a busy week for everyone. In case you missed it on the video of Ian some girls yelled out "We love you Ian!"
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