Thursday, June 11, 2009


We had two milestones in the family this week. Ian graduated from 8th grade and Evan from the 5th grade. This means they will both move on to different schools next year. Ian's promotion ceremony was held at the high school on the football field and was super nice. Both sets of grandparents were there which made it even more special.
Evan's promotion was today in the multi use room at his school and honestly, I think he couldn't get out of there (school) fast enough. Elementary school is so different from middle school. It seems like 6 years in one place is too long. He and Wayne went with a couple of other kids and another dad to Malibu grand prix and to lunch. Ian went with is graduating class to Great America (amusement park) today. I'm sure they will both appreciate sleeping in tomorrow! It was a been a busy week for everyone. In case you missed it on the video of Ian some girls yelled out "We love you Ian!"

Monday, June 8, 2009

Boys, Boys, Boys

#1 Ian
#2 Ian
#3 Evan
I finally made it out to the ride park to see the boys on their dirt bikes. I have to admit I had a great time watching them. And of course Ian was thrilled that I was there so I could take pictures of him riding. Anyone that knows him (Lisa) knows he really likes to have his picture taken! Anyway, Funny story about Evan. We sold his dirt bike back in December because he swore he wasn't going to ride anymore, he really never had much interest it in to begin with. That didn't last long when all of a sudden he said he wanted to ride again. Go figure. Luckily we have another bike he can ride. And Ian the awesome person that he is takes Evan out on the trails and stays with him. Evan is not an aggressive rider but rather very passive. A funny quote from Ian while they were riding "Evan, we don't have to slow down when you see a "slow" sign okay, we're already going slow" Evan, "Oh, Okay"

Promotions galore this week! Middle school comes to an end for Ian this week and will begin for Evan after summer. The past 3 years have gone by too fast. It's hard for me to believe I will have a High schooler in the fall. So we have a busy week planned with Ian's 8th grade promotion on Wednesday night followed by a class trip to Great America the next day. And Evan's 5th grade promotion is Thursday morning. He already had his class trip to Raging Water's last week. On Saturday we're having a combined 5th & 8th grade promotion party at a friends. On Sunday we drop them off at 4-H camp for a week! But it doesn't end there! On the following Friday we pick them up at camp and head right down to Santa Cruz KOA for our annual Father's Day camp out with our friends. Everyone's happy and looking forward to summer!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

June 4, 1994

Wow! I wonder if the next 15 years will go by as fast. I hope not.