Saturday, September 27, 2008
Walking with a purpose
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Big day yesterday

Yesterday was a big day for Ian. He got his braces off! I was looking at the before and after pictures of him, not so much of his teeth, but of how much he's changed in just a year and a half . When he got the braces on he was 11 1/2 years old and he's now 13 1/4. A big 8th grader. People tell you all the time how fast they grow up, but you don't really understand it until it happens to you. A little plug for my office
Ian Pictures:
Jan. 07
Sept 08
Sept 08 post braces & haircut
Friday, September 19, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Off and running
Back to school night Hatch (Evan's school)
Picture day Ian
Picture day Evan and Back to school night at Cunha (Ian's school)
2 hour long PTA meeting Cunha
Email out to school dance volunteers
2 kids home sick this week
Make excel spread sheet of volunteers
Kuk Sool Won, Kuk Sool Won, Kuk Sool Won
Work, clean house, cook dinner, trim up garden
Walk on beach
Enjoy my family
Love life :)
Just a little reminder to myself.
Picture day Ian
Picture day Evan and Back to school night at Cunha (Ian's school)
2 hour long PTA meeting Cunha
Email out to school dance volunteers
2 kids home sick this week
Make excel spread sheet of volunteers
Kuk Sool Won, Kuk Sool Won, Kuk Sool Won
Work, clean house, cook dinner, trim up garden
Walk on beach
Enjoy my family
Love life :)
Just a little reminder to myself.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
First of many
Evan is home from school today with a cold. The first of many I'm sure. I've been feeling run down for about week so I'm not surprised that Evan feels bad. Luckily its a minimum day for him at school today. He was going to drag himself to school this morning until I figured out it was because he wants to go to Kuk Sool Won today. I told him if he felt better this afternoon he could go. :)
Sunday, September 14, 2008
A worried mother

Actually, a relieved mother this morning. You see my cat "Puddin" (yea I know, but trust me you don't want to know all of her other names) was gone for a day and 1/2. I have no idea where she was she just showed up this morning. A little freaked out, but in good shape. My friend said to me she couldn't believe my cat would go off and leave, she's the most spoiled cat she knows! She's pretty spoiled.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Benjamin Franklin?
Sadly, so much is lost on the youth. I remember learning about Benjamin Franklin in school. Founding father, scientist, statesman blah, blah, blah. So, the other day,I'm helping Ian find some information on ol' Ben for an essay he's writing for school and in the process learned soooooo much more about Mr. Franklin than I remember. As I'm ooohing and ahhhhing over the amazing accomplishments of this incredible historical figure. Ian is basically rolling his eye's! I'm sure I did the exact same thing to my mom (Sorry Mom). LOL
In other news, Evan is excited that his table group (at school) choose to study the Indian's of the Southeast. The best part according to him is that in this particular region the Indians (not sure the tribe yet) used.....Drum roll please........ Poison darts! What 5th grade boy wouldn't think that was totally cool! His class is also going to plant a colonial garden. Not sure what that is yet, but apparently I'm helping :0
Picture day is tomorrow at Evan's school. This is only significant because I'm in charge of getting all of the 500+ kids to have their pictures taken. Me and my trusty volunteers spend our morning wiping faces and noses, combing hair and working on big smiles. I only do this because of the kindergartners. LOL Their like deer in headlights,all dressed up, wide eyed and I'm sure feeling like cattle as we herd them through to one of 3 photographers set up in the school's multi-use room. It's pretty hilarious.
Above: First day of school picture taken Aug. 25th 2008 .
Sunday, September 7, 2008
In Loving Memory

In loving memory . William Yamane died September 6th 2008 in Denver Colorado. We will miss him tremendously. He was a loving father,husband,brother, uncle and grandfather . Thankfully his spirit lives on in his family. God bless you Uncle, we love you.
Picture:Jennifer and Willie at Jennifer's wedding 9/25/2004
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Aren't they beautiful

The cupcakes were a hit! And with flavors like Smores, Red Velvet and my personal fave cardamom with cream cheese frosting I'm sure it won't be long before we sample more of these delectable delights at Vanilla Moon Bakery in San Carlos, CA. The menu is quite extensive, but apparently they do not make all of them daily. An excuse to sample them all I guess. Lets not forget the reason for the treats, our friend Mike's b-day. We enjoyed pizza and good company.Tonight its back to school, we'll visit Evan's classroom and find out what Ms. Moriarty has in store for him. All good things I'm sure.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Do you think he'll notice?
I've been waiting all summer to do this. I usually do this a couple of times a year and its crazy but they NEVER ask about where their stuff went. Go figure. My theory is if they don't miss it, they didn't need it in the first place. Oh, and just in case you were wondering, this is Evan's room. Ian is on to me now and he will generally put anything he values away. Which makes me think they do occasionally miss their stuff. Wayne and I differ on this issue, he generally thinks their rooms should be off limits to us (he means me) and they should be able to have it anyway they like. You can see who won this battle. LOL
In other news, HMB has been experiencing unusually warm and pleasant weather. We had my mom and dad, my sister and her husband Mike and Mike's dad and his wife for dinner over the weekend. We bar-b-qued oysters and veggies, chicken and had some yummy salads. We had a nice time catching up. Having an extra day (labor day) off from school was awesome too. Ian went swimming with a friend and Evan spent the day at the beach with his bff. Tonight we're off to help a friend celebrate his birthday with what he and his wife describe as the best looking cupcakes they've ever seen. Lets hope they taste as good! I'll let you know more about that tomorrow.
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