On a lighter note: We celebrated two family birthdays this past weekend. For my sister (pictured below), we had a family dinner at home with cake and a walk to the beach. And in Sonora we attended a "surprise" 50Th birthday celebration for Wayne's Brother Joe.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Time keeps on tickin',tickin',tickin' into the future.........That song comes to mind frequently these days. It's hard to believe this school year is almost over and the crush of end of the school year "stuff" is taking it's tole on many. Ian will have finals the last week of school, much different than the elementary years when the teaches were just trying to keep the kids busy with movies and walks to the park, I even remember the kids going to school in their pajamas and having a reading day. I've been getting frantic calls from friends needing help with the all the different special activities planned for the end of the school year. Not to mention all of the different board positions that need to be filled for next year. It's amazing how much work people have created for themselves with all these boards and committees. I don't think a generation ago people were concerned with making sure the kids had everything and honestly, I'm not sure the kids even appreciate it? I hope I'm wrong. But nonetheless, it's all happening and I'm trying hard to pick and choose where I want to spend my extra time. Sometimes I get so overwhelmed with the requests that I just want to runaway!
On a lighter note: We celebrated two family birthdays this past weekend. For my sister (pictured below), we had a family dinner at home with cake and a walk to the beach. And in Sonora we attended a "surprise" 50Th birthday celebration for Wayne's Brother Joe.
On a lighter note: We celebrated two family birthdays this past weekend. For my sister (pictured below), we had a family dinner at home with cake and a walk to the beach. And in Sonora we attended a "surprise" 50Th birthday celebration for Wayne's Brother Joe.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
A close to Perfect Mother's Day
I only say that because a perfect mother's day would be if Wayne took the boys somewhere for the day and left me to watch girlie movies and read books! So this was a runner up perfect Mother's Day which consisted of some of my favorite people (Mother included) coming over for the day. My wonderful sister made all sorts of goodies, a beautiful tomato tart, a quiche and a delicious fruit salad. We had a special blend of Hawaiian coffee and fresh strawberry short cakes for dessert. A very special gift of Mochi from a good friend who knows me too well. A walk to the beach to watch Evan boogie board and ended the night with some take out from the Mexican taqueria, sitting around the table enjoying each others company. I'm just not one to go out on a holiday. It's too busy and all those poor moms that waitress. What a drag for them!
The picture below has a funny story: I told my dad we needed some pictures for the memorial. He just about fell off the cliff laughing. I do think it's a keeper.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Ride for Life 2010
I need to find out more about how this amazing event got started 9 years ago. I know it was started by some local acquaintances of ours, the Bruces', but I just don't know all the details. We have been invited each year but have always had something else going on. Last year it poured rain on them and go figure, when they got up there on the Wednesday before the weekend it was snowing! Susan Bruce said she was really glad they rented a trailer this year. Can you believe they were in a tent last year! Amazing people! The weather cleared by the time we got there at it was 80 degrees by Sunday. Everyone had a great time as I'm sure you can tell by how dirty the kids were! I'm already looking forward to next years Ride For Life.
Above picture; Ian, Wayne and Evan
Kids: These were just the ones in our group.
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