You know all those times throughout the year when your kids come up to you saying "That's cool, I wish I had that" or "Oh, I'd like one of those" my standard response is always "put it on your Christmas list" or if it's close to a birthday than.... well, you get it. So my little angles came up with these the other night. Ian's is ALL motorcycle and snowboarding related stuff. Evan's is really cute, If you can't read it. It says: Soda Machine, Phone, Ipod Dock, Shark Tooth, Watch, Axe (that smelly drug store stuff), Slot Machine and A Surprise. On the bottom it says Thank You. Be careful what you wish for. :)
In other news, Sometimes I feel like the last one to find things out. I was watching the news this morning and they were talking about how prescriptions prices can very from pharmacy to pharmacy. Who knew! (Obviously the guy on the news who wrote the book about it) Anyway, I just paid $184.75 for a 60 tabs of a generic Rx at Longs Drugs only to look online at Costco and find out its $164.00 for 100 tabs. Knowledge is power!! And $20.00 is $20.00!